2024-2025 Gravity Sewer Improvements Project No. 958
The project is generally described as follows: replace existing pipelines by open-cut and removal and replacement (~4,001 LF), replacing existing sanitary sewer by pipe bursting (~8,962 LF), replacing existing sanitary sewer by pipe reaming (~1,136 LF), including sawcut, excavation and backfill, shoring, replacing laterals, disconnecting and reinstating lateral connections, abandoning existing sewer pipelines and manholes, removing existing cleanouts and manholes, constructing new manholes and property line cleanouts, asphalt concrete pavement restoration, CCTV inspection, traffic control, project signs, and bypass pumping of sanitary sewer flow. All of said work is to be done in accordance with the Contract Documents as described above, at the places and in the particular locations, of the form, sizes and dimensions and of the materials, and to the lines and grades and at the elevations as shown on the Plans and Specifications made therefore and approved by the District.
Bidding Closed
Bid Date | 1/30/25 2:00pm |
Ross Valley Sanitation District
The Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Cost is $8,300,000, and all work shall be completed within calendar days from the date established in Section 00800-1.01, TIME ALLOWED FOR COMPLETION.