Public Projects

Bidding Closed
1/30/25 2:00pm
2024-2025 Gravity Sewer Improvements Project No. 958
Bidding Closed
Ross Valley Sanitary District
Ross Valley Sanitation District
The project is generally described as follows: replace existing pipelines by open-cut and removal and replacement (~4,001 LF), replacing existing sanitary sewer by pipe bursting (~8,962 LF), replacing existing sanitary sewer by pipe reaming (~1,136 LF), including sawcut, excavation and backfill, shoring, replacing laterals, disconnecting and reinstating lateral connections, abandoning existing sewer pipelines and manholes, removing existing cleanouts and manholes, constructing new manholes and property line cleanouts, asphalt concrete pavement restoration, CCTV inspection, traffic control, project signs, and bypass pumping of sanitary sewer flow. All of said work is to be done in accordance with the Contract Documents as described above, at the places and in the particular locations, of the form, sizes and dimensions and of the materials, and to the lines and grades and at the elevations as shown on the Plans and Specifications made therefore and approved by the District.
Bidding Closed
10/3/24 2:00pm
RVSD Heatherwood & Heather Gardens Pump Station Rehabilitation Project (#908)
Bidding Closed
Ross Valley Sanitary District
Ross Valley Sanitation District
The Work involves demolition of existing and installation of new storm water and sanitary sewer pump station.
Bidding Closed
6/6/24 2:00pm
RVSD Andersen Building Genset Project 901-C
Bidding Closed
Ross Valley Sanitary District
Ross Valley Sanitation District
The Project is located within the County of Marin, at 1111 Andersen Drive in San Rafael. The scope of work includes the following main items: A. Provide shop drawings for new Standby Diesel Generator with outdoor sound enclosure diesel fuel storage base tank B. All project demolition C. Install new Standby Diesel Generator on new concrete pad with seismic calculation D. Install new automatic transfer switch (ATS) with all electrical conduits and conductors E. Acquire Bay Area Air Quality Management District permit, Authority to Construct, and Permit to Operate F. Complete set of As Built drawings for entire project
Bidding Closed
1/4/24 2:00pm
2023/2024 Gravity Sewer Improvements Project
Bidding Closed
Ross Valley Sanitary District
Ross Valley Sanitation District
Replace existing pipelines by open-cut and removal and replacement (~1,020 LF), replacing existing sanitary sewer by pipe bursting (~14,580 LF), including sawcut, excavation and backfill, shoring, replacing laterals, disconnecting and reinstating lateral connections, abandoning existing sewer pipelines and manholes, removing existing cleanouts and manholes, constructing new manholes and property line cleanouts, asphalt concrete pavement restoration, CCTV inspection, traffic control, project signs, and bypass pumping of sanitary sewer flow.
Bidding Closed
8/3/23 2:00pm
Woodland Capacity and Creek Crossing Project
Bidding Closed
Ross Valley Sanitary District
Replace existing pipelines by open-cut and removal and replacement (~1,100 LF), replacing existing sanitary sewer by pipe bursting (~2,140 LF), installation of pipes using horizontal directional drilling (~490LF), including sawcut, excavation and backfill, shoring, replacing laterals, disconnecting and reinstating lateral connections, abandoning existing sewer pipelines and manholes, removing existing cleanouts and manholes, constructing new manholes and property line cleanouts, asphalt concrete pavement restoration, CCTV inspection, traffic control, project signs, and bypass pumping of sanitary sewer flow.
Bidding Closed
7/6/23 2:00pm
LS20, LS31, LS32 Pump Stations Improvements Project
Bidding Closed
Ross Valley Sanitary District
Bidding Closed
7/11/23 2:00pm
RVSD Headquarters Site Improvements Project
Bidding Closed
Ross Valley Sanitary District
Ross Valley Sanitary District
Bidding Closed
9/8/22 2:00pm
FY 2022/23 Gravity Sewer Improvement Project
Bidding Closed
Ross Valley Sanitation District
The project is generally described as follows: replace existing pipelines by open-cut and removal and replacement (60LF), replacing existing sanitary sewer by pipe bursting (~6,400 LF), including sawcut, excavation and backfill, shoring, replacing laterals, disconnecting and reinstating lateral connections, abandoning existing sewer pipelines and manholes, removing existing cleanouts and manholes, constructing new manholes and property line cleanouts, asphalt concrete pavement restoration, CCTV inspection, traffic control, project signs, and bypass pumping of sanitary sewer flow. All of said work is to be done in accordance with the Contract Documents as described above, at the places and in the particular locations, of the form, sizes and dimensions and of the materials, and to the lines and grades and at the elevations as shown on the Plans and Specifications made therefore and approved by the District.
Bidding Closed
2/16/22 2:00pm
RVSD Headquaters Consolidation Project #901
Bidding Closed
San Rafael, CA
See Contract Documents for details.
Bidding Closed
7/8/21 2:00pm
PS14, 24, 25 Larkspur Pump Stations Improvements Project (Project No. 906)
Bidding Closed
Ross Valley Sanitary District
County of Marin
All of said work is to be done in accordance with the Specification Book as described above, at the places and in the particular locations, of the form, sizes and dimensions and of the materials, and to the lines and grades and at the elevations as shown on the Plans and Specifications made therefore and approved by the District.